About Us
A leading name in Tubing Pipes and Bathroom Accessories, SHREE BALAJI TECHNOPLAST., is the largest company in India to manufacture Bathroom Accessories and Tubing Pipes made of PVC & Engineering Polymer products.
We have a pride history and presence for more than 5 years across India.
Recently company has expanded its product range to All Over INDIA.
Experience and Expertise of Manufacturing is our one of the main assets, we have 100% In House Manufacturing Facility, along with In-House Tool & Mold Development and Research & Development Incubator to work on latest innovation in the industry.
What our awesome
customers think
We were extremely satisfied with SHREE BALAJI TECHNOPLAT’s services. They consistently delivered high-quality work on time and within budget. Their team was professional, responsive, and easy to communicate with. We highly recommend their services to other businesses
Strong Brand Equityto.
KAMLAX is a household name, and has been at the forefront of industry-first designs and innovations. The brand constantly strives to achieve a confluence of understanding of the Indian market, technology and aesthetics in KAMLAX Design Studio to create bathroom products that are truly one-of-a-kind. That’s why our products are not merely functional and always add more to a person’s life. Simultaneously, we are committed to work towards a more sustainable future by adhering to environmentally friendly practices. Our innovative products and marketing initiatives drive our high brand recall. Our latest brand campaign ‘Thoughtful is beautiful’ is aimed at creating beautiful bathrooms for your homes with innovative products which help ease consumer’s life with many thoughtful features.
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We offer complete bathroom solutions that can give any bathroom a personality of its own. We have a diverse product range including PTMT Taps, waste couplings, waste pipes, Connection pipes, showers, health Facuets. We believe in setting new trends and improving lives by offering more than just products.
With innovation, customer satisfaction, and quality control, we look forward to winning the trust of our consumers, who become our brand ambassadors for life.